Looking for information on sod installation?
If you are looking for information on sod installation we've tried to compile a sod knowledge base of what we believe is helpful information. As we have time, we will continue to try and add to this list in order to help make an informed decision about your sod project!
Our Sod Blogs:
How to know if your sod is healthy
July 8, 2021
How to know: When choosing sod for your project, it’s always good to do a little due-diligence on the health of the sod before you
How much does it cost to install sod?
September 22, 2019
Sod, also known as turf grass, is fully mature lawn (grass, soil, and roots) that’s professionally grown and sold in squares or rolls. Purchasing Sod
The Benefits of Zoysia Sod
September 5, 2019
In Raleigh-Durham North Carolina, like many other places, it can be a challenge to start a lawn from seed. Additionally, if you have a damaged,